Win Today With Christopher Cook: Your Roadmap To Wholeness

255: Triggered and Insecure? It's the Thing Beneath the Thing. (feat. Steve Carter)



This week, we're talking about the thing...beneath the thing. The deeper issue. The root cause of the surface-level pain and anxiety you're experiencing today. This week, Steve Carter joins us and he will teach all of us how to identify and deal with the issues beneath the issues in life, how to recognize an over-extension of pleasure that serves as a dysfunctional tool for coping with pain, and why most people miss what's really keeping them stuck. If you enjoy this episode with Steve, I'm sure you'll also enjoy: 245: John Eldredge on Healing the Masculine Soul and the Trauma of the Global Pandemic 241: How to Free Yourself from the Cult of Overwork and the Benefits of Non-Achievement (feat. Michael Hyatt) Episode Links: Steve's Website | Facebook | Instagram | Buy Steve's New Book Subscribe to #WinTodayShow on YouTube. Join the conversation wherever hashtags are welcome using #WinTodayShow.