Debate This!

FLAVOR TEXT: Marvel Secret Wars



Do you think the people at Marvel back in the 80s would ever have thought that their one-off concept of "make everyone fight each other on an alien planet" would go on to be the single most important thing to happen in the Marvel universe? And that this one storyline would be the thing that retconned, redefined, and completely undid multiple series more than 15 years in the making? This week's FLAVOR TEXT is giving you the entire Secret Wars saga, a notorious storyline that started as a flimsy excuse to sell more toys to being the actual most ambitious crossover event in Marvel history. Debate This! is a dumb show where grown men yell at each other over video games and comics. Check out more of our incessant arguments at and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast. Suggested Reading A map of the 2015 Battleworld