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Episode 040: College Football Week 5 Preview, Rutgers v. Ohio State, & What happened at LSU?



  The Week 4 College football slate was solid to say the least. There were some great games and some unexpected outcomes. LSU couldn’t get a much needed win to save their head coaches job. The loss to Auburn was a microcosm of Miles’s tenure at LSU. Play well enough to keep it close, but commit costly errors at the end of the game that end up in a loss. LSU was more talented than Auburn, but not better coached and because of the archaic offense it was finally time to move on.     Ohio State was off after a big win against Oklahoma, but it doesn’t mean it was a big day in the Big Ten. Wisconsin strolled into East Lansing and made a well coached Michigan State team look pedestrian. Mark Dantonio couldn’t have been happy after allowing the Badgers to roll up 30 points, while turning over the football.     Can Rutgers challenge Ohio State? I don’t think so, but there are a number of areas continuous improvements that must be worked on for the Buckeyes to beat better teams in November.     Topics:   Week 4 College