Morgan & Westfield - Deal Talk

Who is Morgan & Westfield?



Morgan & Westfield is not your typical business broker. While traditional business brokers and business brokerage firms have always patterned their business model after that of real estate brokers, we at Morgan & Westfield deviate from this norm by operating like professionals, such as accounting and law firms. We’ve optimized the sale process to give business sellers quality services for a fraction of the fees that your average business broker will charge. How do we do this? First, we have a large backend support team that allows us to become more focused and run our processes more efficiently. Second, we save time and resources by letting business owners physically show their business to the buyer. By cutting this step from our process, we have adjusted and reduced our fees accordingly. Third, unlike traditional full-service business brokers, we offer our services on an a la carte basis. Our clients can choose which of our services they need and pay only for those services. In addition, we also offe