Purpose For Your Life

The Power of Our Thoughts



Have you ever considered how much the things we think about affect our lives, either positively or negatively? Prefer to read the rest of the content? Famed physician Ben Carson had an uncontrolled temper as a young man, to the point that he almost hit his mother. Ben did hit a boy in the hallway at school and another time threw a rock at a boy and broke his glasses. Every time he told himself that he didn’t mean to hurt anyone and could control his temper. Finally, he got angry with his best friend for changing the station on the radio, whipped out his switchblade and threw it at him. The blade hit his friend in the stomach but broke when it connected with the large metal belt buckle he wore. Ben almost killed his best friend and almost ruined his life because he couldn’t control his temper. He finally realized what a problem he had and spent four hours praying and asking God to heal his anger. After that, he never had a problem with anger again. Imagine what the world may have missed if Ben Carson hadn’t do