Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

ME14: Self-Compassion, the Two Arrows, & Learning to Surf



What you’ll hear in this episode: • How you can create a pause between your initial experience of an emotion and your reaction to it, and how doing so will allow you to cultivate more self-compassion and feel less out of control in your life. • About the differences between pain and suffering — and how our responses to our own internal experiences determine the extent to which we suffer. • The Buddhist metaphor of the two arrows, which illustrates this difference between pain and suffering. • How all of this might apply to the experience of struggling with adaptation to a new country/culture. Resources mentioned in this episode: • I mentioned a quote from Japanese author and marathon runner Haruki Murakami. This quote comes from his book, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (which is far more about life philosophy than it is about running!). • I mentioned Viktor Frankl, the famous psychiatrist who invented logotherapy and who survived the concentration camps during WWII. To learn more about him, you