Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

ME10: Finding Community & Building Authentic Connections on the Move (with Guest: Naomi Hattaway)



Today’s Mindful Expat Guest is Naomi Hattaway! Naomi is from the United States (originally from Nebraska). She and her husband have 3 children, and together they have lived in New Delhi, India, Singapore, and they've now repatriated back to the US -- first to Florida, then to Northern Virginia, and now to Columbus, Ohio. Naomi is the founder of 8th & Home, a real estate and relocation company, where she specializes not only in helping families with the practical details of relocating, but also helps them find and build a true sense of community – where they can really thrive – in their new homes. Naomi is also the founder of an amazing movement called, “I am a Triangle” (which was the helpful resource that Amel Derragui shared with us back in episode 6!). In 2013, Naomi wrote a blog post, entitled, “I am a Triangle and Other Tips for Repatriation,” where she wrote about her experience of living abroad and repatriating, using the shape of a triangle as a metaphor for her experience – saying that when we co