Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

ME9: The Wolf You Feed (aka Building Mental Habits)



What you’ll learn in this episode: • About my experience at the Families in Global Transitions (FIGT) Conference last week. • About the link between our thoughts and our feelings and some strategies for becoming more aware of automatic thoughts. • The parable of the two wolves and how it can be a useful metaphor for thinking about the types of thoughts we’re cultivating in our lives. • The importance of mental habits and cultivating habits that lead to the experiences we want to have (rather than those that make us feel distress). Resources either mentioned in this episode or related to the topics discussed: • If you want to learn more about the Families in Global Transitions (FIGT) Conference that I just attended, you can go here. • If you’d like to see the resources I shared with the participants who attended my Kitchen Table Conversation at the FIGT Conference (discussing mindfulness for teen TCKs), you can access it here. (It contains a number of websites, apps, and books on these subjects.) • If you miss