Mindful Expat, With Dana Nelson, Ph.d.

ME5: Introduction to Culture Shock & the Expat (Emotional) Rollercoaster



What you'll hear in this episode: • A definition of "culture shock" and some of the ways it can manifest differently for different people. • Some theoretical models of cultural adjustment, including various phases of adjustment that people may experience as they adapt to a new culture (and some of the limitations of these models). • Some of the challenges (and opportunities) for couples and families as they move through various phases of the cultural adjustment process together. • The importance of being patient with yourself as you adapt to a new culture and recognize that it's a work in progress and whatever you're feeling in one phase is temporary.  • Some of the particular challenges for couples and families as they're adjusting to a new culture.  Resources mentioned in this episode: • I mentioned a series of blog posts that I've written on this same subject. You can find the post discussing the models of cultural adjustment with the visuals I mention here. For the entire series of posts on culture shock