Hinge Problems

HP004 Majima Always Comes Back



The slightly delayed episode 4 is finally here.  After a bit of digging around on the internet, we finally settle into talking about the Yakuza series: what is right, what is wrong, and what is just wonderfully silly.  We even touch a bit on the ancestor of the series, the ever wonderful Shenmue saga, and how much we loved all of that.  Spoilers abound, and we hope you like Goro Majima as much as we do. Intro Music: "Funk Goes On" by Hidenori Shoji from Ryu ga Gotoku The Best Original Sound Track Interlude 1: "Rebellions" by Yauhiro Takagi from Ryu ga Gotoku The Best Original Sound Track Interlude 2: "The Myth" by Hidenori Shoji from Ryu ga Gotoku The Best Original Sound Track Interlude 3: "Gary's Boot Camp" by Chihiro Aoki from Ryu ga Gotoku The Best Original Sound Track Yakuza 3 Plot: "Whiskey & Rhapsody" by Mitsuharu Fukuyama from Ryu ga Gotoku The Best Original Sound Track Interlude 4: "baile con la mariposa" by Hidenori Shoji from Ryu ga Gotoku The Best Original Sound Track Interlude 5: "Clay Doll O