Hinge Problems

HP003 Kickin' Around Kickstarter



In this, our first episode with a title for the podcast, we discuss the strangeness of the Ouya and Penny Arcade Kickstarter projects, and wonder when exactly everything Kickstarter related is going to fall apart.  We also introduce a new segment of the show where we discuss games we are currently playing.  Sound quality is a bit better, thanks to Chris getting a new mic, but it's still a work in progress, and that's OK. Intro Music: "KUWAGATANK" by Masafumi Takada from the Samurai Champloo Sidetracked OST. Interlude 1: "Kick in da Game" by Masafumi Takada from the Samurai Champloo  Sidetracked OST (vocal contribution by Rudie) interlude 2: "Sad Color" by Hitoshi Sakimoto  from the Dragon Quarter OST Interlude 3: "Flat Line" by Masafumi Takada from the Samurai Champloo Sidetracked  OST. Interlude 4: "Great Business" by Masafumi Takada from the Samurai Champloo  Sidetracked  OST. Closer: "Sync" by Disasterpiece from the Fez Soundtrack