Systems For Success

33. Build and Keep Success for 120 Years



This is a rare opportunity to sample the secrets of multigenerational families from the leader of a successful billion dollar a year 120-year-old family business with 341 family member shareholders. What Are the Traits of a Successful Multigenerational Generation Family? They know the family story. They know who they are. They are clear on their values and live them out. They understand trust is important within the family and reinforce that through words and   actions. They are clear on the direction they want to go as a family and move in that direction. Each successive generation is empowered to design their own destiny, building on the strengths and values of the prior generations. They value family unity and affirm each family member, but don’t endorse behavior contrary to family values. They intentionally nurture good relationships amongst all members of the family, regardless of differences. They make sure spouses of family members, and adopted children, feel like family by blood. How to Develop the