Systems For Success

17. Make Money More



I’m going to do a little rant today on a subject that impacts every single one of you every single day.   The success of individuals, families, companies, and nations rises and falls on this subject.  This subject is often not talked about much in the home…sometimes as hush hush or as embarrassingly glossed over in homes and schools as the birds and the bees.  Yet our understanding of this subject has a significant influence on the height of our happiness, the breadth of our impact on the world and the depth of our bank account.   Wanna know what the subject is? Okay, I’ll tell you. It’s a one-word answer. Money. Okay, when I say that word, “Money” what thoughts come to your mind? What emotions fill your heart? I was raised in a religious environment where the prevailing notion about money was that it was somehow evil or at least that it caused a lot of bad things. I actually had a mindset that was a bit afraid of it or at least afraid of having too much of it and I didn’t even know how to define what too muc