Systems For Success

12. Keys to Healthy Accountability



Keys to Healthy Accountability Is it possible to hold people accountable in a way that is healthy for relationships?  Why has accountability received such a bad rap?  Why is it such an unpopular subject? Many people have had bad experiences with unhealthy accountability that feels more like control, judgement, manipulation and even punishment. It is not your job to punish a spouse, friend or employee for not doing what they are supposed to do.  It is not your job to force him or her to stop or change the unhealthy behavior.  Accountability is not about trying to make someone else be or do what you want. You are not responsible for your partner’s actions or decisions.  If you have permission or request from your spouse to point out when they get off track from something they want to do, your job is just to point it out, not to control or cajole them. What he or she does with that information is out of your hands. Healthy accountability starts with a servant heart. It starts with, how am I here to serve you?  I