Systems For Success

10. How to Control Money so it Doesn't Control You | Round Table Discussion



Money is not important enough to let it control our life! So why not learn how to control our money so we gain more control of our life?  But money is like water.  It's a valuable resource necessary for life that can easily slip through our fingers.  The key is to not let it slip through our fingers without our permission. In this round table discussion, we share some of the things we have done to build money management paradigms and processes into the fabric of our individual and family finances.  We reference The Gienger Good Stewardship plan that we developed to help debt proof our family and give our kids a solid financial foundation for their adult lives.  Several times in this episode, we reference the following introduction to the plan which we used when we first presented these concepts in our family: The Gienger Good Steward Plan Gienger Family Mission Statement:  To courageously lead generations of people to become devoted friends and sold out followers of Christ. Gienger Family Vision Statement:  T