Systems For Success

7. How to Accomplish Big Goals | Round Table Discussion



Our latest learnings about how to accomplish big dreams and goals by setting a plan of action, and following it. In this family round table discussion, you’ll learn what we’ve discovered about how reaching goals takes a systematic approach to planning & action. QUESTIONS DISCUSSED --Think of some big dream or goal you’ve had that felt so massive that you didn’t know if it was possible, but you ended up finding a way to accomplish it? What was the dream or goal? Why did it seem overwhelming when you first set your sights on it? What did you end up doing to break it down into actionable steps and discipline yourself to make progress? What did you learn from that process? --What do you think keeps people from setting or effectively pursuing big, important goals? --What has helped you personally move past your hesitations to accomplish big goals? --What is the most effective system you’ve currently found to break down your big dreams or goals into action plans that help insure regular progress? What are some