Systems For Success

6. Mission Made Simple!  Developing a Powerful Personal Mission



Your personal mission statement is about the contribution you want your life to make in this world.  Values define who you want to be.  Mission declares what you want to accomplish with your life. If you have listened to the last episode on values and taken action on’ve taken some time to think about and hopefully write down your personal values… In that episode I recommended that you take some time to think about how you want to be remembered by the most important people in your life in terms of the guiding principles that affect how you interact with people — how you live your life. Who you want to be. Your personal mission statement takes that a step further now. You’re values answer the question of how you want to be remembered in terms of character. Now think of the same relationships categories in your life and ask yourself what you would want the key people in your life to say about what you did in your life — your contributions, achievements, and experiences. ROLES What would you want your sp