Systems For Success

4. The Secret to Sustainable Success in Life



Identifying and living by your core values has more to do with creating sustainable success in life than what most people realize.   Here’s why: True and lasting success is based on who we are way more than on the goals we set or even the goals we accomplish. Sustainable success in all areas of business and life is based on who we are. Character is the creator of who we are. Therefore character is the creator of all true and sustainable success. The foundation of character is knowing what you stand for and standing for what you know.  Therefore, the basis of character is knowing and standing for your personal values. What are Personal Values? Our personal values are your standards of ethics and behavior.  They set the boundaries by which you live your life.  They are the overarching system for how you define success in your life. Our values affect every area of our life:  physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual, financial and certainly our business life. Values are not practices.  They are guiding pr