Systems For Success

1: The Primary System for Success In Any Area of Your Life



Create Your Game Plan for Success In this episode we’re talking about developing the game plans to create success in different areas of life.  Most people would just rather play the game…or watch the game.  That’s a lot more fun than creating the game plans.  But winning the game starts with a good game plan and then playing to the plan. Creating the right plans and the right plays…or as we like to call it, systems…are key to accomplishing your dreams and goals. Can you imagine any sports team entering into competition without adequate preparation — or a game plan? Can you imagine showing up for the first day of practice and the coach saying, “Here’s your game schedule for the year.  Your position is written on the first page.  Just show up on time for each game and we’re gonna figure out how to whip the competition as we play.” Sounds crazy?!  It is!  Yet that’s how many people go through life every day. The failure to PLAN — to prepare a game plan — is one of the main reasons so many people fail in key ar