Empowering You To A World Class Life With Lane Olsen




This Weeks Podcast: JOURNAL TIPS Top Take Aways: 1. A LIFE worth LIVING is worth RECORDING. 2. What do I put in my journal. * Stubs from Plays and the Arts. * Business Cards of great restaurants. * Postcards of hotels and places I'm visiting. * Books and seminars I've attended. I score them. * New Quotes * My Thoughts about life and myself. * Travel locations and thoughts. * Favorite Magazine articles. * Favorite Talks I heard that year. * Dreams - I record and try to understand meaning. * Spiritual Thoughts * Girls I've dated and what I've done and notes about them +/- * Business Ideas and impressions. * Goals - Break down for each quarter and review. At the end of each year... I score myself and give myself a Grade in these areas of my life. ( A to F) Spiritual Fitness Financial Relationships Recreation Mental Contribution Life Style Those things that you MEASURE... Gets MANAGED. A Journal will change your life!   CALL TO ACTION: Click below to receive my FREE 7 Habits to Transform Your Life! http://laneo