F This Knit

Episode 39: Bitches of Both Varieties



It's time to learn about a swear, reveal our recent google searches, learn about our signal boosts, hear about our alternate WIPs, and talk about homework! Oh and then generally ramble on about randomness.   Beers Emily: Rheingeist Strozzberry Amber: Bells Two Hearted Erin: Cock N Bull Apple Ginger Beer Thanks to our new Patrons: Jennifer K, Weezie P Swear of the Month: BITCH Google Search:  Flights to Rhinebeck Medical coding requirements Pluto Water Signal Boost Osborne's Wand Shop Dragon Con Promised Fibers Spin Together Non Knitting Fos Doomsday Machine Oswald Fluff Fantasy Falkland Art Yarn Non Knitting WIPs Deep Dyed Yarns - Dark Water Tapestry Homework Reading: Paper Tiger Blog Knitty Tin Can Knits New Homework: Triple Crochet