F This Knit

Episode 33: See You Next Tuesday!



It's our second episode of the month which means we have a new swear of the month to talk about, most recent Google searches to share, signal boosts to shout out, and a homework assignment! Then we round the whole thing out with some blather about Mammoth Cave, graduation, and give you some bonus homework.  Beers: New Belgium Tangerine IPA Thanks to our new Patrons: Sam R., Ursula B., Clair D., and Tasmin K.  Swear of the Month: Cunt Signal Boost Amber: Elizabeth Moon Erin: Pawley Studios Emily: Lady Parts Justice League Non Knitting WIPS Emily's Once Upon a Time Sampler from the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery Homework Double crochet! Flat double crochet for beginners, double crochet in the round for people who want to try it out. Next Month's Homework is... Pom Poms! Make a pom pom, stick it on something or don't, we don't care just make all the poms!  Bonus homework: Ask Chad to update the Fuck This Knit theme song! Chad's Instagram: @obrientrombone Chad's Website: www.obrientrombone.com