F This Knit

Episode 29: Gadzooks and Darn It!



It's the second episode of March, which means this is our new format episode! We have a new Swear of the Month, Gadzooks. We talk about our most recent Google search and give a signal boost. We chat about our Non Knitting WIPs. Then we discuss our homework for the month, darning! So grab some holey socks and darn with us! Also, we may or may get off topic and discuss some video games at the end bit. Swear of the Month: Gadzooks Signal Boost Amber - Critical Role Kickstarter Erin - Louisville Tea Co. Emily - Try Guys Try Knitting Non Knitting WIPs Black Magic Tapestry Weaving River Dolphin Spin Homework for this month - Darning Arthur Weasley Socks (woven patch) Molly Weasley Socks (knitted patch) Homework for next month - Colorwork Practice!