Violin Adventures With Rachel Barton Pine

Episode 66: Musical Passions, part 2



Episode 66: Musical Passions, part 2 Upcoming Events: January 19 – Mendelssohn Concerto with the New Mexico Philharmonic in Albuquerque, January 27 – Paganini 24 Caprices at the Phillips Collection and National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC Inquiries from my Inbox: Hannah asks: “How important do you think it is to have an urtext edition as opposed to International or another cheap one?” Random Musical Thought: What if composers of the past had had to give their works catchy titles like today’s composers? Main Topic: “Musical Passions” with Eric Kisch on WCLV, part 2. Includes an interview with Rachel Barton Pine and tracks from her albums “Brahms and Joachim Violin Concertos,” “Scottish Fantasies,” “Glazunov Concertos,” “Maud Powell: American Virtuosa,” and “Violin Concertos by Black Composers of the 18th and 19th Centuries.” Total playing time: 01:05:38 SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST ON I-TUNES! Would you like to be featured on Violin Adventures? Just send your question via text or as an MP3 attachment to rach