Second Chances

Marisa Peer’s Advice is Hypnotic!



Marisa Peer planned to become a child psychologist but decided to become a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist as she saw how effective results orientated hypnotherapy was. She is now a best-selling author, motivational speaker and leading celebrity therapist and pioneering hypnotherapist trainer. Her books include You Can Be Thin: The Ultimate Programme to End Dieting...Forever, Ultimate Confidence: The Secrets to Feeling Great About Yourself Every Day, Trying to Get Pregnant (and Succeeding) and You Can Be Younger. Her engaging and amusing talks are peppered with anecdotes from an unparalleled career in which she has helped thousands of people to overcome profound personal issues. Marisa’s unique talent is teaching “simple steps that produce dramatic and life-changing results”. She seamlessly brings her one-of-a-kind therapy room techniques to the podium, leaving her audiences both transfixed and transformed. Her acclaimed “Mastermind Your Life” series focuses on the thought patterns and mental habits that c