Raise Your Hand Say Yes With Tiffany Han

Ep. 70: Resolutions Series: Lacy Young on Health and Wellness



Welcome to 2016! This year, I'm starting off with a new series on Raise Your Hand Say Yes all about New Year's Resolutions. Do you start every year thinking you're going to deal with your health and money and (finally!) clean out your closet? If so, you're in for a treat this month! And if not, you're still in for a treat because these upcoming episodes are gooooood!  This week, I got to sit down with one of my favorite people on the planet, Lacy Young  and talk all about health and wellness and what to do if you want to be healthier. Lacy's advice is spot on while also being super reasonable and I know you'll be able to walk away from this conversation with at least a couple of things you can start doing today to get healthier and feel better in your body. We also talk about how you can tell the difference between what you really want for your body versus what the magazines say you should want, the value of putting yourself in the way of empowerment, and a beginner's guide to meditating. Lacy also shares wha