Reinvent Yourself To Greatness With Sahar

How to use the POWER of your story?



http://www.reinventyourselftogreatness.comHave you been thinkng to write a book, but never did?Do you feel intimitated starting your book?You know you have a story inside of you, but do not know where to start?If any of these questions sound familiar, then this podcast is for you.  I am interviewing Book & Story Coach  Kim O'Hara Intuitive Book and Story Coach Kim O’Hara  guides writers of all levels through the transformative precipice between the old story and the new, as they turn their powerful life stories into books.  Kim was a movie producer and screenwriter in Hollywood for twenty years, bringing together innovative directors, actors and writers to create stories in movies that would move audiences and bring them hope.  She brings that same talent to real life, working one on one and in small groups with men and women who have amazing stories to tell. Kim was recently the Keynote Speaker for the Soroptimist of America Spring Conference, sharing how to “Dare to Change Your Story.”Kim's we