Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story #82: What's Behind 13 Years of Producing the Kids Comic Con?



Movies based on comics are a billion dollar business. Comics are a million dollar business, especially with racy adult material. And many comic conventions bring in thousands of dollars, catering to a pop culture fan base. So how does a little con in the Bronx, with almost no budget, catering just to kids and families, survive for 13 years? On this episode Chris interviews KIDS COMIC CON co-founder, Alex Simmons, and this year's KCC'S Events Manager, Maureen Britt. The goal? To learn how to Alex the team of volunteers have managed to produce these shows that draw over 700 children and their families -- with  no serious funding. Listen and learn. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?   Post them in the comments section below ... Or write: For info on the KIDS COMIC CON: www.KIDSCOMICCON. COM