Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#149: Trusting Your Intuition



Have you ever stepped into a room and the hairs on your arms stood up straight? Something in your body was warning you about the situation you walked into. You weren’t able to quite explain why you felt that way, but you knew it was best to trust that gut feeling. Listen to today’s podcast to learn all about intuition and how we can differentiate that feeling that something is wrong versus the feeling of fear or anxiety. And, discover how intuition can actually be more powerful than the information that you are receiving and processing in your mind. Things we’re covering in this episode: - Definition of intuition and how it differs from fear or anxiety - Troubleshooting the difference between fear or anxiety and intuition - How to use intuition to your advantage in both your personal and professional life - Stepping out of your “logical” self and into mindfulness where you can fully experience intuition - How to create space between the feeling you are experiencing and the reaction in order to create a neutra