Hustle & Flow With Heather Hubbard

#120: The Fear of Success



We often talk about the fear of failure, but we rarely consider the fear of success, which can be just as paralyzing. When a podcast listener asked if I’d address this, I wanted to know more. She shared that she’s been using the Life & Law PlannerTM and is now on track to reach her goals. Which is great, right? But the thought of reaching her goals is scaring her. She asked, “How do I deal with this fear?” I absolutely love this topic and can’t wait to dig in! Things you’ll learn in this episode: • Why we feel uncomfortable with too much happiness and success and start to assume something bad is about to happen • What it means to hit an upper limit and the ways in which we self-sabotage our growth • How success can create tension in our relationships or otherwise require us to show up in a new way • What to do when you feel fear and anxiety related to your growth and success potential LINKS: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks Year Of Yes by Shonda Rhimes Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman Episode #1 of Hustle and