Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of October 6 to 13



The next week brings us Pluto stationing direct at 24 degrees Capricorn, along with Saturn stationing direct at nearly 7 degrees Aquarius, with both emphasizing boundaries, clarity, and a higher awareness of what is correct for you moving forward. It is important to honestly assess your energy exchange in relationships as the Sun, Mars, and Mercury RX in Libra all make conjunctions between Oct 6 to 10. Be sure to only say what you mean and express what is necessarily, while giving yourself space to contemplate as needed. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7, making it easier to trust ourselves and a bigger process, especially with a sense of optimism. Maintaining a sense of stability is important right now, especially if it feels like you are only plodding along or just sitting in a void. Much more to share in this week’s show.   ~~ October 2021 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars- Discover the main astrology and energy themes in 4 webinars, including the Libra New Moon, Aries Full Moon, and a deeper look at the pe