She Can. She Did.

Episode 7 - We can. We will. with Dr Joanna Abeyie, MBE, Founder of BLUE MOON



I can thank Jess and Nat from Mac + Moore (who I spoke to in episode 2 last week!) for introducing me to today's guest a few months back. On an evening in January (which feels like forever ago right now, doesn't it?!), they arranged a dinner with friends and fellow Founders to meet and connect and over the course of G&Ts and oh so scrummy dinner at Caravan in Kings Cross, I got to know the vivacious and ever-inspiring Dr Joanna Abeyie, MBE.As the Non-Executive Director for Investors in People, a Trustee for The Lord Mayor’s Appeal, the first and only black person to be made a Trustee and Director of The Media Society, not to mention the Founder and CEO of Blue Moon - the executive search and diversity and inclusion consultancy based in London - it's safe to say that Jo is one incredibly busy lady; masterfully skilled in juggling numerous public engagements, board meetings, teams and various projects on a daily basis. As the name suggests, with over 12 years' experience championing diversity, inclusio