She Can. She Did.

Episode 3 - We can. We will. with Cath Jones, Founder of SADLER JONES



As early as Monday 16th March (which let's face it, feels like a lifetime ago already now doesn't it!?), Cath announced to her 7.9k Instagram followers that she had already seen a huge impact on sales. As a stationery and card business that relies heavily on wholesale orders, over the course of last week, buyers from some of the UK's leading retailers called Cath personally to announce that they were cancelling orders for the foreseeable future and overnight, Sadler Jones lost £10,000 worth of revenue.With office rent, a mortgage that she is solely responsible for and outstanding printing costs to pay, her initial panic at the escalating impact that the pandemic had and continues to have on her livelihood, was (and still is) completely understandable.Having met Cath at both the Bristol and Cardiff Midweek Mingles however, every ounce of me knew that she would come back fighting.From offering to handwrite individual cards for her customers throughout the course of last week (including a few for some Tinder dat