She Can. She Did.

Episode 1 - We can. We will. with Jenna Meek, Founder of SHRINE



Hello everyone and welcome to series 3 of the She can. She did. podcast! (How are we on series 3 already!?)As I’ve made reference to on Instagram already, over the coming weeks, this bonus series will be slightly different to the usual She can. She did. Podcast episodes that you might be used to because first and foremost, they will be coming to you daily over the next few weeks; they will be much shorter in the hope that you can pop on the kettle and tune in first thing so that they set you up for the day; but significantly, in light of the recent coronavirus outbreak and the unprecedented impact the virus has had on not just our day-to-day lives but the economy and for so many of us, our businesses too, they will be solely focused on the theme, ‘We can. We will.’…...get through this, as business owners that is!The aim of these episodes is simple.Despite feeling the negative effects of the Coronavirus directly on She can. She did. throughout the course of last week in ways that I go on to explain in the intr