She Can. She Did.

Episode 13 - SPECIAL EPISODE on all things tax returns, book keeping and preparing for that good old self assessment deadline!



Sounds like a wild bonus episode, I know, but roll with me here girls!It can't come as a surprise to you all that preparing for tax returns, filing for self assessment and good old bookkeeping and accounting, are a continuous source of angst for so many of the female founders that I chat to, when I ask them to reveal the biggest challenges that they battle with as business owners behind the scenes. Be it that we're unsure of where to file certain expenses (because, let's face it, there's a whole lot of accounting categories to choose from nowadays), we struggle to keep on top of filing our receipts in general, or - like me - you aren't from an accounting background so find finance jargon to be somewhat puzzling; making sense of our business accounts isn't the most glamorous job that we all have to conquer as business owners but it is a job that, let's face it, can't be ignored.Especially when the self-assessment tax return deadline is fast approaching on 31st January and you are sat there, putting off fi