She Can. She Did.

Episode 10 - with Lara Goodison & Tiffany Ceri, Co-Founders of Brush & Bubbles



I don't know about you but any woman that makes a profitable business from painting and drinking prosecco, is a wise, wise woman if you ask me..! From Tiff and Lara's hilarious memories of marketing Brush & Bubbles in the early days (which may or may not have included hours of unsuccesful leafleting to drunk Londoners around Soho each night) and how their marketing techniques have evolved as their confidence in their brand has grown; how they’ve learnt to put the inevitable challenges that have cropped up into perspective in an attempt to keep calm under pressure since day one; what they’ve learnt about each other since going into business and how they’ve learnt to value their worth and up their prices as they’ve grown; to their welcomed admission that before launching Brush & Bubbles they had no idea what 'turnover' meant so if they can launch a business anyone can; I've admired these two ladies from afar since we met in early 2018, I genuinely mean it when I say that they're smashing it at the momen