Agency Journey

From Independent Marketing Agency to Elite HubSpot Partner With Rikki Lear



Rikki Lear is the Director of Digital 22, an Elite HubSpot inbound marketing agency. Digital 22 has rolled out HubSpot and inbound marketing with 73 companies to date, helping them reach their goals sooner without the pitfalls. In his role, Rikki oversees the heads of service departments like finance, marketing, and HR.Previously, Rikki was on the Partner Advisory Council for HubSpot and worked in digital marketing for Workwear Express and Optimise Marketing. He holds several certifications from HubSpot, including HubSpot Trainer, Inbound Sales, Growth-Driven Design, and more.In this episode…Are you trying to optimize HubSpot’s features for your agency, but keep getting stuck? Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a team of experts ready to help?Digital 22 has the inbound marketing expertise you need. The agency’s team members specialize in HubSpot features and understand all the best practices for implementing them into your business. With their help, one client had an additional 167 blog views, a 140% increase i