Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 66 - How to Accept Your Past As Perfect and Finally Heal with Howard Falco



Sometimes things don't work out the way you want them to.  Sometimes people don't behave the way you think they should.  Sometimes life....just....happens. And it's not perfect. It may even sting a little.   Today's guest is Howard Falco, a Peak Performance Coach to professional and college athletes and the author of "Time in a Bottle" and "I AM - The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are". He will share his wisdom on how to accept your past as perfect and finally heal. Here are some key notes you can look forward to hearing:   ~Understand pain is not to torture you, but to strengthen you ~Define, declare and demonstrate who you choose to be RIGHT NOW  ~Disconnect from negative thoughts that are not serving you  ~Believe God can use the situation for your good  ~Discover your greatest power by being in the timeless state of "now" where you can create  I've really enjoyed listening to his books on audible, and I think you would too! His messages are all