Sunwest Fc's Weekly Sermon Podcast

2016-09-18 False Advertising - Part 1, Matt Dyck



This Sunday is the beginning of the new series "False Advertising". Have you ever bought something based on a commercial or ad that didn't quite deliver on it's promise? That burger... that car... that gym membership... That infomercial product that was going to clean your house for you... (and let's be honest... that church event). We are bombarded with promises everyday. Sometimes it's hard to know what's real and what's just a gimmick. When we really peel back the layers, most commercials are trying to meet the needs of our most basic human desires. Meaning. Belonging. Security. Acceptance. Intimacy. Adventure. Immortality. Is there anything in this world that can really deliver on these? False Advertising may be the norm but come journey with us through the noise to experience where our desires meet their true fulfillment.