Sunwest Fc's Weekly Sermon Podcast

2016-08-14 God Through My iPod - Part 6: Doubting Thomas, Matt Dyck



Is there a right religion? Why are we here? How do I handle suffering and tragedy? Is the Bible trustworthy? ... Have you ever asked these types of questions? Is there any room for doubt with a person who has faith in Jesus? One of Jesus' disciples, Thomas, has been dubbed forever as 'doubting Thomas' because he was slow to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead. There is probably a little bit of Thomas in everyone of us, but many of us are afraid of the questions. In a culture that values empirical truth and certitude is there room for doubt today in the disciples of Jesus? Thomas gives us hope that there is. This week, we will jump off from the song "Doubting Thomas" by a band called Nickel Creek.