Sunwest Fc's Weekly Sermon Podcast

2016-03-13 I AM - Part 6: The Resurrection and the Life, Drew Johnson



"I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die." John 11:25. This week we look at a fifth "I Am" statement that Jesus makes: "I Am the resurrection and the life." At some point in life we all face dead ends. Whether it's jobs, finances, family, relationships or whatever the situation is, disappointment and discouragement is something everyone encounters. Jesus' incredible claim that He is "the resurrection and the life" is not just a story that happened two thousand years ago but is something that we can experience right now. The Resurrection is not just an event... it is a person. This morning, we look at how this claim altered the lives of Jesus' closest friends; Mary, Martha and Lazarus.