Denise Walsh - Dream Cast

Episode 68 - I Am FINALLY My Own CEO



I have busted through my own glass ceiling time and time again. In this episode, I share with you three mindsets that I have grown through as I continue to develop, learn, and fully embrace who I am. So how about you? Are you ready to: ~ Stop the waiting game (the need for outside approval) ~ Focus your time and energy on your strengths ~ Take ownership of your work, finances, family It's time to let go of your old self and discover a new and improved version of you...simply by changing your mindset! For more great tips on how to take ownership of your life, I strongly encourage you to grab a copy of the "Dream Life Workbook"! Get a 50% off coupon just by going to and entering your email! This book is sure to set you up for success as you gain clarity and vision for what you really want out of life. Join us in the Facebook Community and share your thoughts there! Facebook Community -