The Talk Of Santa Clarita

Eps. 174 Annie Cho



Annie Cho is what some would call the real American dream. Her family immigrated to the United States when she was in the fifth grade. She worked two jobs to put herself through college at California State University eventually obtaining a degree in Political Science. She became a business woman specializing in diversity communications and has since launched a second career in Real Estate. Annie is also an activist. She is involved in several community and grass roots organizations including the Womens' Political Caucus San Fernando Chapter, the API Caucus, and several Democratic Clubs. Now, she is running as a Democrat to challenge Republican incumbent Suzette Martinez Valladares for the Assembly seat of for the 38th District. This is Annie's second time to run for the seat. While Suzette was the ultimate winner in the election it could be argued that she was aided by the fact there were three Democratic challengers which split the Democratic vote three ways allowing Suzette to squeeze through