Victory Pointers

Victory Pointers 016 - GenCon 2016 with Sean Carroll



  We are joined by Sean Carroll of 93 Made Games to chat about Gen Con 2016 from the perspective of a publisher attending for the first time. Sean Carroll - @93MadeGames / 93 Made Games Kim Brebach – @secretbasegames / Good Games Publishing Aaron Lim - @ehronlime / Sye Robertson - @syelon /   Feel free to send us any feedback or questions for the show at (for now). You can also follow us on Twitter as @victorypointers. What we talked about 0:44 - Introducing Sean Carroll of 93 Made Games 2:20 - The power and beauty of spreadsheets in designing games 10:30 - How UI design affects how people play games 12:05 - Considering emotional highlights in balancing games 14:10 - The Kickstarter for Unfair just launched after GenCon 15:05 - Learnings from running Kickstarters: You can't please everyone all the time and maintaining communication 17:50 - What is a "murder board", and why should you have one? 21:40 - Exhibiting games is difficult 23:45 - T