Academics Mean Business

AMB 036: Maren Katherina Preis on Personal Branding for Academics



Lindsay and Catie discuss the importance of your personal brand, whether you own your own business or not. Coming from the physical sciences, Dr. Cat has found posting her research to social media leads to better reach, stronger connections, and higher recognition from colleagues. About Catie: Catie Leta aka Dr. rer. nat. Maren Katherina Preis is a licensed pharmacist from Germany, holds a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics, and is a certified specialist for Pharmaceutical Technology. She received the award for the most outstanding doctoral thesis in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014/2015 by the International Association for Pharmaceutical Technology in 2016 for her work about innovative oral drug delivery systems. Although everyone expected her to climb the academic ladder, Catie decided to follow her passions and turn them into a business: social media and fitness. Catie has always been a creative person and active on social media platforms. It all started with helping friends, colleagues and organisations to setup social m