Academics Mean Business

AMB 019 Marc Cordon on Taking Educated Risks When Leaving Academia



Lindsay and Marc discuss the importance of being certified in the entrepreneur space. They touch on Marc's teacher's philosophy of flourishing in life while feeling good and functioning well. Join Marc and other guest in the Academics Mean Business Facebook group! Marc Cordon is the founder of Greater Good Strategic & Life Coaching which serves rebellious entrepreneurs, misfit coaches, and ostensible iconoclasts who are committed to changing history for the better. He has received several coaching accolades from the Institute for Professional and Excellence in Coaching including an Energy Leadership Index - Master Practitioner, Certified Professional Coach, and COR.E Dynamics specialties in Transitions, Leadership, Performance, and Wellbeing and a certification in positive psychology from WholeBeing Institute.. His book on entrepreneurship, coaching and positive psychology "Beyond Resilient: The Coach's Guide for Ecstatic Growth" recently reached international