Academics Mean Business

AMB 012 Makenna Held



We have a Facebook group for listeners! Come join!   Start with a vintage, enameled cast iron Dutch Oven (teal is her favorite). Then sauté a mirepoix of business acumen, marketing, and strategy; pour in a good bottle of Integral Coaching methodology; add a cup of movement and spirituality; and a hearty handful of feminist theory. Whisk gently. Follow with a sprinkle each of intuition, wry comedy, and truth talking; and finally a dash of Tibetan theories of Emptiness. Place in the sun for two hours and VOILA! You have Makenna. In 2015, she followed the wild hair of her intuition and managed to purchase (with the help of investors) La Pitchoune, Julia Child’s former summer home in France. Since then, she has created The Courageous Cooking School at La Pitchoune, a recipe-free (EGADS!) experience that turns recipe bound cooks into creative masters of their home kitchen; created The HeartFirst Method–a movement and coaching methodology for leaders based on Integral C