Academics Mean Business

AMB 011 Valerie Reed



Valerie Reed has consulted for both new and established business owners in the areas of beauty/cosmetics, wholesaling, identifying ideal clients, marketing, health and wellness industry, fitness, education, fashion and real estate. Valerie is the founder of Valana Minerals, an all. natural and vegan cosmetics company that founded over ten years ago. Mrs. Reed has since expanded Valana Minerals to include Unapologetic Rejuvenation Hawaii Retreats and Safer Cosmetic Consumer Education. Mrs. Reed's experience also involves twenty years teaching-administration and mentoring in the areas of culture, society, professional and personal development. The support, guidance and consulting solutions provided are enhanced by certifications as a master business coach, business coach, life coach, Neuro-linguistic practitioner, and online education,  in addition to multiple degrees in sociology and fashion-design and merchandising. Valerie continues to create her 'ideal life' and helps others do the same. She splits her time