Jason Hartman Foundation

186: The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous, Discussing Time Preference



Saifadean Ammous, the author of The Bitcoin Standard, joins Jason to explain the three basic functions of money and why this matters with Bitcoin. Will Bitcoin push out the role of central banks? If so, why would the government let Bitcoin exist? Saif continues discussing the government’s role or ability to have a role in cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin. As well, what is time preference, and how does it differ from inflation? Key Takeaways: Saifadean Ammous, author of The Bitcoin Standard [1:00] Money has three basic functions of money: [3:45] How does Bitcoin act as a base layer of money, similar to the central banks' settlement layer? [8:00] Why would the government let Bitcoin exist? [17:00] Have you been bitten by the Bitcoin bug?  [17:25] Could the government make Bitcoin illegal? [29:45] Is there a distinction between time preference and the time value of money, aka inflation?  [31:45] Saifedean’s wife sells the chair he’s sitting on out from underneath him.  [32:10] Art on the gold standard, will