
84: Subculture - Life at sea



PrePopCulture is adding a new type of episode to the arsenal: exploring a subculture. This week, cruise ship performer Owen Wittekindt joins Jen to talk about what it's like to live at sea. From what constitutes a good cabin, to the things that are important to find when stopping in a port, to the way living on the boat affects his interaction with general pop culture and his perception of the passage of time, Owen shares the various details about his life on the ship that add up to make living apart from land feel surreal. If you're enjoying PrePopCulture, please rate/review it on iTunes, and like it on Facebook! You can also follow PrePopCulture on Twitter. Want to suggest a topic for an episode? Email! Show notes: Follow Owen on Twitter Owen's recommendations: That Mitchell and Webb Look and Sad Cat Diary Second City cruise line performances Theme song Alps by Motorama is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) License.